Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)

UNM strongly encourages all members of the community (faculty, staff, students, and visitors) to immediately report crimes to law enforcement—especially if there might be a threat to our campus community. However, UNM also recognizes that every victim of crime has a choice to make a report and as the right to report anonymously or even decline police notification or involvement. In addition to the option of reporting to the police at any time they so choose, members of the UNM community are encouraged to notify any University official so they can get the support they need.

Under the Clery Act, the University designates certain employees as what are known as “Campus Security Authorities”, or “CSAs”. CSAs play a pivotal role in keeping UNM community members and our campus safe and have an obligation to bring forward any report of a Clery Act crime they receive or personally witness in a timely manner to the Clery Coordinator. Timely and accurate CSA reports help the University meet our obligations under the Clery Act.

Who Are CSAs at UNM?  

In addition to members of the UNM Police Department and UNM Security, University officials who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings are capable of being designated as CSAs.

Individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not belong to UNMPD or UNM Security, such as an individual who is responsible for monitoring entrance into a UNM event, are also CSAs.

As a general rule, faculty members are not considered CSAs. However, CEEO does designate any faculty member who leads student trips or sponsors student groups as a CSA. The only employees truly exempt from CSA designation under the Clery Act are pastoral and clinical, licensed counselors who are acting in their professional capacity.

The Clery Coordinator is responsible for identifying employees whose job functions involve developing relationships with students or overseeing campus activities and notifies them of their designation. CSAs must complete annual training on when and how to report Clery Act crimes and certify each year that they have submitted any and all reports they received during the previous calendar year to the Clery Coordinator.

Campus officials that UNM prefers individuals report crimes to are listed at the UNM Campus Safety Page.

CSA Resources 

If you have been notified that you are a CSA, please visit the CSA Member site (link only accessible for registered CSAs) on the UNMPD homepage. Once on the CSA Member site, you will be able to register if you have not already done so, complete the required training module, submit reports, and access other CSA resources.