
For Students

Accessibility Resource Center
African American Student Services
American Indian Student Services
Dean of Students
El Centro de la Raza
LGBTQ Resource Center
Student Health and Counseling (SHAC)
Women's Resource Center

For Employees

Counseling, Assistance &Referral Services (CARS)
Human Resources
Staff Council
UNM Hiring Toolkit

Faculty Hiring Samples

The Office of Compliance, Ethics & Equal Opportunity provides resources to assist departments with the hiring process. Below are several various examples of letters and forms that can be used to guide departments with each corresponding scenario. Descriptions of the types of advertisements that can be used are also provided below.

Sample Letters

Sample Hiring Forms


Wayfinder is a resource for UNM staff and faculty which helps navigate the many different resources and processes available to them, depending on the issue they are facing and the needs they might have. Wayfinder is a good first stop if you are unsure about what steps you would like to take if you’ve experienced harassment or discrimination.